There is something of a relevant point to this blog, so read on 🙂

I like building things. From wood mostly.

I’m not particularly good at it, but it’s a hobby.
Whilst I like building things, there is hideous mess created in the process – saws, nails and pieces of wood etc get cast everywhere – my erratic and baseless process is more suited to an artist like Picasso, than a precise craftsman of furniture. It’s comically wrong really!
Every now and then, spending half an hour trying to find a set square for the fifth time, I get upset with myself and set a strict agenda to become a tidier and more ordered worker.
This never works for long.
Shortly afterwards, the cycle repeats and the natural process is resumed.
A dear friend is the polar opposite. A meticulous and precise furniture maker, when visiting his pristine workshop, I gaze enviably, wishing to be possessed of his ordered and exact mindset and process.
His work is flawless to my eye and, more importantly, his tools are always exactly where you expect them to be.

“I will become like him” I tell myself.

But, I don’t. And never will. My mind is a scattered mess of ideas and imagination, struggling to find order from the perpetual chaos.
COULD I ever become the precise and meticulous woodworker?
Doubtful, BUT it is certainly possible…on second thoughts, yes, objectively I could. Whilst likely never reaching his level of skill, I could match his level of care and order. Which is why frustration sets in when I don’t.
…but this is actually the wrong question.
“Everything is possible if you put your mind to it. “ Parents shrill in excited tones to children the world over.
We get so caught in this idea, we forget to ask whether we SHOULD put our mind to something.
SHOULD I become the precise and meticulous woodworker? Now, THIS is a better question.
It would take so much of my energy to be something other than what I am (READ THIS AGAIN) all my creativity would be drained – relegated to a second rate version of somebody else. What use is that?
The only thing that is remotely interesting about my approach to woodwork, would be extinguished by a desire to be like somebody else.
My woodwork is 100% original – made from the heart for our family. That’s what matters. And that it doesn’t break. 😂But we can work on that later…
Much like Team Body Project, the workouts are made from the heart for our TBP family. They are flawed and sometimes chaotic, but always filled with authenticity – for better or worse.

Interestingly, nobody has ever criticised us for our imperfections, if anything they’ve applauded us for leaving them in 🙂

There are two lessons we can take here.

Progress not perfection – I will NEVER reach my lofty expectations of precision, order and tidiness, BUT I can do better. I can forgive my flaws and let go….it is OK to be where YOU are, keep trying to improve. Just because you miss a workout, that doesn’t mean you need to stop – as long as you’re doing better than you were, you’re winning…
Better to be a flawed original, than a ‘perfect’ replica – my favourite thing about YOU is what is authentic and original. I celebrate what is flawed and real over what is manufactured but seamless.
If you miss a workout, that’s OK.
If you modify, that’s marvellous.
Be YOU. Be a BETTER you.
That’s what I want for us all.

  1. Silvia Maione 2 years ago

    Woodworking is my hobby too. Sometimes I feel frustrated when I look at other people projects, because they look so original and flawless compared to mine. I try to let that feeling go. It’s much better, although maybe harder, to focus on making progress and not to take the mistakes too seriously. Whatever my projects turned out to be (most of the time not exactly what I originally planned, LOL) I know that I’m learning something and I’m having fun. As I’m doing now while working out with TBP. I just started, I hope the enthusiasm and discipline I have now will not fade away and will help me overcome the moments of frustration and laziness.

  2. Ellen Metter 4 years ago

    Helpful thoughts; an enjoyable read.

  3. Donna Huff 5 years ago

    I have been working out from your website since last April. I signed up, I tell everyone I run into to do your workouts. Boxing is my favorite. I’m 53, most people think i’m in my late 30’s early 40’s. I have worked out on and off for 30 years. And I feel more fit than I ever have. I don’t remember how I came across your program, but I thank God to have lead me to you. I am a General manager for a Mcdonald’s in Holland Michigan, very high pace store and I feel I need to keep my body in shape to keep up with the demands. I want to thank the both of you for doing what you do.
    Sincerely, Donna Huff Holland MI.

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