VLOG with Daniel #5: How ‘hard’ do you need to work to get results?
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I totally get this “comfort zone bubble”. I’m new to TBP, and I love these Body Project workouts. I have been cycling with my partner since we met 3 years ago – I’m not a cyclist – I hate hills..!! But recently, whilst approaching a hill I had a word with myself to “take the pressure off”, and before I knew it, I was at the top..! I haven’t told the other half , as he’ll have us hill hunting! But it has helped me to get over the “dread” of getting on my bike knowing I have hills to climb. My bubble has expanded in that respect, and this Vlog definitely resonates with me. Thank you! 🙂
Another great VLOG, thank you Daniel! A great balance to the body image concerns many have, and a comfort that just pressing play is ok
Thank you very much for everything team body project
This is a great message – one that I needed to hear. Thank you.
Whew! What a relief! I always thought it had to be harder and harder, always searching not to plateau. No wonder there are so many workouts. Indeed, different strokes, for different folks… just don’t stop working out!
I used to workout just to lose weight but it did not really work out since it was only 2 to 3 times a week. Now, with TBP, it’s every single day, except when I have a headache and it’s now about strength, mobility, increasing muscle mass, balance, immunity, prevention of Alzheimer’s and most of all, taking care of the body that God gave me to use and be productive and to serve others. You opened my mind and my heart to appreciate this body which I have always taken for granted.
Thank you for racking your brains to maintain this project and thanks to both of you for the time, the creativity, the fun, the focus and your sincerity.
Checking in from Antipolo City, Philippines!
There are no words to describe how blessed I feel since I found TBP. I’ve seen many coaches but you truly are above all of them,. Daniel your words sink in me like a hot knife into butter. I really enjoy listening to you, not to mention all the great workouts I’ve pushed myself through. Huge thank you from southern Sweden 🙂
This is the first clog I have listened to. Great advice. Thank you!
I am really enjoying your vlogs Daniel, you are so inspirational and passionate about exercise. I am 69 years old and have been active all my life but TBP is the best workout programme. I love the variety of workouts and the fact that you are continually bringing out new ones. Like many other people I joined TBP last year during the pandemic, it is the best thing I have ever done. Thank you and Alex and all the TBP team.
Daniel, I have to tell you, you are an inspiration. I’m a 63 year old who has pursued fitness most of my adult life, but I haven’t had the successes I’ve enjoyed since finding you, Alex, and TBP. I suppose it’s the only positive thing that came out of COVID. And it was the motivation to get my wife exercising. I had significant back surgery 18 months ago, but I feel like I am more fit and healthy now than any time pre-surgery. BALANCE. COMMON SENSE OBJECTIVES AND GOALS. And encouragement…
You and Alex are awesome. Thanks for this message. Great stuff.
I’m so thankful for TBP.
So very thankful for this message. I always doubt myself and feel I’m not giving it enough. Love my trainers Alex and Daniel! So encouraging and make workouts fun!
Loving the workouts and the vlogs are so encouraging.
I appreciated hearing this so much. I feel lately no matter how hard I workout, I need to accept that I cannot over do it anymore. I’m at an age in my life where hormones are taking over and it can be quite discouraging to know that no matter how much I diet and exercise, I need to accept that this may be as good as it gets for me and I need to be proud of my ability to still be able to move and get in a workout. I think my bubble is as big as it’s going to get and that’s ok 🙂
I needed this today! Love your passion. Thanks for keeping me fit and healthy. Team Body Project is the best!
I am going through “something” lately, and I feel like you are speaking to me, a 65-year-old lady who’s been working out for 35 years. Lately, I seem to be in a constant state of “hurt.” I have lower back pain, hip pain and tendonitis in my elbow. It’s frustrating and demoralizing. I’ve always thought of myself as a strong person, and in some way I feel like I’m letting myself down. I always exercised with my husband, and lately we’ve had to take separate paths. I absolutely refuse to not work out, so I’m back to level 1 and 2 workouts to give my body a break to heal. Your talk did help lift my spirits, as I work toward acceptance of where I am. I don’t know if I’ll ever be back to working out at the level I was before, but thank you for the permission to take care of myself and move my body in a safe and hopefully healing way.
I am exactly where you are although I’m 62. It seems like the older I get, the longer the repair takes to heal the “hurt”. I think I just have overworked my body with these tougher workouts (that I enjoy) plus yard work. I’m hoping the chiropractor and massages will help heal it faster. I’m going back to the easier workouts too. Phyllis
I absolutely needed this today! Thank you. My arthritis pain has gotten so bad and kept pushing myself through a plan that I didn’t feel comfortable in. Love this group!!
Team Body Project has a wonderful variety of workouts to choose from. I can always find the right workout for my comfort zone! Thank you Daniel for the vlog, your sincerity and kindness are evident. for all to see.
Love working out with you and Alex.
Tried many different avenues towards exercising and always lacked the motivation to continue. Maybe I pushed too hard, as you said…outside my comfort zone. I must honestly say that your Team Body Project has worked for me and my wife, we love your programs and the choices we have to modify our workout plan. Loved your message today, very inspirational with a touch of humour! Keep up with your excellent work!!
I frequently find myself questioning whether I am doing ‘enough’ and if I’m pushing myself out out my comfort zone ‘enough’. I think its easy to always be thinking ‘i need to lose more weight’ or ‘I need to build more muscle’ when sometimes we should be grateful for the work we have already put into ourselves and appreciate the effort and determination we’ve put in to get where we are right now.
Another fantastic VLOG that, again, I have taken a lot from.
Thank you Daniel and Alex!
Great message applicable to most of us, Daniel. This is my first VLOG to view and it really helped to further connect me to your program and provided extra value outside of the exercise videos. Keep up the good work!
Thanks Daniel-just turned 59 and slowly learning that the bubble grows and shrinks regularly! Being compassionate to myself is one of the most important lessons learned here-and wallowing in the joy of finding that soft spot when it all comes together-living in that moment ! Thanks Coach
I found this VBlog quite good. It seems to me that it make sense that If I want to get fit, not to run a marathon, but just to feel ok with myself and do not be overweigth. Just push or wrk AT the edge not beyong the EDGE.
Wow. Living in that bubble, trying to extend it, rather than break out of it is what I needed when I had a burnout. It’s what I had to explain to the people around me. I had been living outside that comfortable to long, in everyday life. It is in no way sustainable. And then I had to totally rebuild the bubble. That is hard if you were used to get out of it and the people around you are pushing you to get out of it. Once I realized that, I started building and expanding that bubble. And I always said: I don’t know how far it is able to stretch without popping, I just very carefully keep pushing to grow that bubble. I left the burnout behind me. That bubble is still not really big, but there is space in it. I now can get out of the bubble without it imploding immediately. And now you used the same metaphor to explain how hard we need to exercise ourselves. I love it, because it’s so true in all aspects of our lives. My bubble for just living maybe smaller than that of most people. But it’s MY bubble and I’m happy where I am now. And I’m so glad I found TBP, where we are challenged to do our best, not pushed to get outside our comfort zone if we don’t feel like it. Thank you!
Well Daniel you have done your work for me so does Alex … true exercise and workouts it’s all about what you want to accomplish as you said … and how much you need to push yourself to that goal. I started in YouTube and then I was so impress how fast I was getting back into my life of an athlete at the time when I thought I couldn’t ( couple accidents) but you guys talked to me and I responded. I became a member then … I am not in Canada as I told you I am in Costa Rica spending our six months of winter and visiting family … most of the time the internet interfere downloading programs … so I went back to YouTube and. repeat what I have done. I am 64 years old, was a basketball player, runner, workout almost every day … and then all went down with my accident. Lost muscle mass, couldn’t lift weights , etc. Well, the hell with the insurance … money will win over my desire to go back to who I really was … NO. Seattle for much less of what I deserved and freedom to start began. THANK YOU Daniel for your words … we need to understand how powerful our mind is. On March 27th I did Desafio Vertical … parachute jumped!!! My body was ready and my mind and my bucket list item was done. I played golf and pickle ball, run on the beach and use my bicycle to go around our paradise. THANK YOU BODY PROJECT TEAM, I never feel better.
That was a useful talk on exercising in a sensible way inside one’s comfort zone and not expecting to become a navy seal. Not only are you a good teacher but also an excellent lecturer with a sense of humour.
Really great vlog and the perfect message for me to hear right now. I joined at the start of all this covid madness last year and really pushed myself through trainee, apprentice, essentials and graduate, pushed and pushed and pushed too far as you said and hit a cracking point. I’m now back on track after 3 month break barely managing a workout hear and there. Back in my comfort zone and rediscovering the love of movement without the dread for the couple of weeks and feeling great for it! Cheers Daniel & Alex, keep up the great work!
Truly enjoyed this. Relevant to so much more than workouts
Great message! This will help to inspire many.
Thank you for this, it was just what I needed to hear. I love the variety of the workouts and programs. There is always something to challenge me and now I won’t feel bad about pushing myself but still staying within my bubble.
I have worked out with many trainers over the years and TBP blasts them all. I look forward to exercising every day because you keep it real
Perfect message-as always. That’s why we love you Daniel….and thanks for being our coach. Kathy
Thank you!!! It’s so true, thank you for the reminder to be patient and focus on taking care of our bodies one day at a time & the weight will start coming off.
Love love love this message! You guys are great! Thank you for everything you do!
I joined not long ago, but just want to say you guys are doing a terrific job. It’s so refreshing to hear a perspective like this from a trainer. Thank you!!
Thanks for the advice and encouragement love you guys. I will never give up
I am so glad to be part of the Team body project. Daniel, you truly are a wonderful person, those videos are inspiring and everyone should watch them. You got all my respect and a big HELLO from France 😉