If you struggle to find the time to exercise, you’re not alone. This is one of the most common things we hear from those looking to start an exercise program – that they just don’t have the time.

We get that!

At TBP, our coaches, participants and members are parents, siblings, carers, employees, business owners, coaches, volunteers, friends and much more. We are busy, active and involved in life.

Sometimes it’s hard to find the time to exercise. And other times, we feel so burnt out that we can’t find the energy.

But maybe it’s time we looked at exercise differently. Instead of telling yourself you need to set aside an hour, could you opt for shorter bursts of exercise throughout the day? Almost everyone can find the time for a quick 5-minute exercise routine, and you’ll be surprised by the benefits these short bursts of exercise can bring!

5 Minute Exercise – All the Benefits

There is power in a 5-minute workout to transform your health, mood and overall wellbeing. These short, speedy workouts deliver the benefits, while slotting neatly into your life.

In just 5 minutes of exercise, you can strengthen muscles, increase cardiovascular health, boost metabolism, prevent stiffness, mobilise muscles, improve core strength and lift your overall mood throughout the day.

Most importantly, it’s a great way to start an exercise regime and keep going with one. That’s because 5-minute workout is easy to fit into your day. When you’re having a challenging time, feeling overworked or just struggling to get into the mindset of a workout, 5 minutes might feel easier to tackle.

From a mindset perspective, it’s easy to tell yourself – I’ll just do 5 minutes.

5-minute workouts are also easy to do in your office, during your lunch break or while you’re waiting for the pasta water to boil! And then when you find that you’ve accomplished that, you can add in 5 minutes more! (Just not when the pasta water is boiling!)

So, have we convinced you yet?

Ready to Get Started?

Alex has put together a fantastic new program that will ensure you never underestimate 5 minutes of exercise again – the Mega Express Plan LINK

These sessions hit in all the right places to give you effective, short workouts that can fit into your busy life.

Each 5-minute workout will target a specific body part or workout style. You can use them as add-ons to your existing training or combine them throughout the week to give you an incredible full spectrum workout.

  • 5-minute abs
  • 5-minute butt and thigh
  • 5-minute body blast 
  • 5-minute Tabata 

Get ready to burn, baby!

How Can You Fit These 5-Minute Workouts into Your Daily Life?

Gone are the days when we were convinced we had to set aside a whole evening to sweat it up.

Now we know better. If you can find just 5 minutes in your day to get started, you’ll be opening yourself up to a world of health benefits. Minus the time stress.

Start your day with a few exercises before you sit down to brekky. Smash out a quick 5 minutes on your lunch break. Add a few more exercises in the afternoon. And round out the day with a couple more while you watch TV.

Take a closer look at your daily schedule to figure out what works best for you. You’ll quickly learn that 5-minute sessions really add up.

You’ll be surprised how much exercise you can fit in across the week!

So join our awesome community and get started today.

  1. Jennifer Leow 11 months ago

    Thanks so much for creating the Mega Express 5 mins exercises which are just as effective. I did the Mega Express Mix and Abs today combined and it was full on! I prefer short exercises now on my work days due to time constrain and it works just as effective as 30 mins exercises. I will do 30 mins exercises on weekends when I feel like it and have more time.

  2. Cheryl Kellogg 11 months ago

    My husband and I live in the States and are planning a trip to Australia in the fall this year.

    I would love to see the tbp studio! Do you have tours of the studio available ?

    Cheryl K

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