VLOG with Daniel
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Thanks for this videos. Feeling good getting to know my body. it’s capacity. Excellent videos.
Found your site in March of 2020, and am down 12 pounds. But more than that, my body shape is changing for the better; my legs are so strong and I want to walk everywhere. Your workouts are fun and inspiring, and you offer SO many different styles–that alone makes working out fun, and I look forward to a new one every day. And, you guys teach us to work out for ourselves, and ourselves alone.
I may not look like Rocky just yet, but I feel like it! Just, thank you for that, and this inspiring vlog. 🙂
Thanx alot for the workouts Daniel. Am so excited.
Looking forward to all the great workouts, still trying to get to the ones that have been recently posted.
You guys rock!! “Now is manageable”!! “Taste the victory”! This was right on time!!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
You and Alex have gotten me through the pandemic so far, with all of the difficulties, trials, depressions that it entails. Love to see new workout videos!! And I can’t wait for the next VLOG!!!
I love this! It is so wonderful to see you on a personal level rather than only as an instructor! I am so glad I found you, Alex, and Team Body Project last March when the quarantines started here in the U.S. You, Alex, and everyone else who takes part in the videos gave me encouragement, health, and an overall sense of wellbeing during a time of unnatural isolation. TBP continues to do so for me and for that I will be forever grateful and a loyal member of TBP.
As a side note, I am glad to hear you will be offering isolation routines. I overstretched a knee ligament about six weeks ago (experimenting with a stretch), so I have only been able to do upper body workouts. I am looking forward to some new routines until my knee heals, and I can get back to full body! Thanks again Daniel, you all ROCK!
Thank you for this Daniel! Not being on social media, I feel a connection now with TBP I didn’t realize I was missing. Your words are so kind, inspiring, and heartfelt that we can tell you really ARE speaking to us 1-1 as best as you can. I’ve been with you guys for almost a year and I am SO happy for it. I quit the club membership and have no desire to go back. TBP is a bright spot of my COVID isolation – never would have found you guys had COVID not happened. You and Alex and the entire team both on and off the screen are PHENOMENAL – thank you!!
Daniel, you are always such an inspiration! I very much enjoy your VLOGs and the message you bring to us. I’ve been with TBP a year now and this has been the only year, ever, that I have consistently worked out 4-6 days a week since I was subject to PE in school (LOL) and I’m in my 50’s. I look forward to working out with you, Alex, and the team each morning, so thank you!! Again, thank you for your inspiration and the messages you bring
These videos are very inspiring! Love it!
Thank you Daniel for such an inspiring chat. I have said for years now, the approach that you and Alex have is so unique, you are second to none. You keep it real, you include rather than exclude, you focus on POSITIVE POSITIVE POSITIVE.
Bless you both and grateful to have found you so many years ago. XO
That was super helpful thanks Daniel! I had to stop it half way thru to do the new stretch with Alex & Kirsten:) I have been thinking about it especially the way that Now can be free of negativity and worry.. Extra thanks for thinking about us folk that dont like social media! I am looking forward to the next VLOG!
Nice one Daniel & TBP. I appreciate you giving more time & energy in this way. Resonated with what you say about ‘relegating exercise to being about losing weight…’ & steering attention to the holistic nature of moving our bodies & the plethora of benefits it brings!. Thanks so much for your support to me & the community.
Thanks Daniel. You are always inspiring. You and Alex make getting up at 6:00 am almost enjoyable 🙂
Thanks Daniel for the inspirational talk today. Your interest in connecting with us individually easily comes through. We have the advantage of seeing you, but you don’t see us. I appreciate you taking time to give a message to those of us who don’t have social media accounts. I have really enjoyed your workouts. I have been doing them for close to a year. First on You Tube then joined as a member. They have been so helpful since I decided to discontinue my gym membership due to the pandemic. I have been dedicated to fitness for over 20 years. As I have aged, I can no longer run and have various injuries. Your low impact formats have been just what I needed. I love the combination of cardio, conditioning and resistance. Keep the workouts coming, I look for new ones every day.
Good analogy of child’s success in learning letter A vs.Tolstoy and our measure of personal success.
Your chat was awesome! Made me much happier watching your video vs the dreary news. Next time I’m tempted by a cookie (well, chips is my weakness) I’ll remember what you said about choosing the apple! Looking forward to more vlogs!
Great inspirational speech thank you Daniel for the vlog
Carolyn Hall Thanks for your encouragement .I have been working out whit Team Body Project for 3 months on the 27th of this month. Enjoying every work out .Two months I will be 75 and getting stronger each day Thanks to you and the team .I love when you and Alex teach the workout you all make my day so full love and fun.
Thank you Daniel your words are so moving you give me so much support loving your workouts . Looking forward too my next one tomorrow morning Thank you TBP you are amazing ❤️
23 March 2021 is my 50th birthday! And I take this “VLOG with Daniel ” as a gift.
A really ispirational speech, especially in the part where he says “Dont be too caught in the past or in the future”, “be capable of making a decision right now”. The “now” is more managable and we are more capable of controlling our choises! This made me willing to start a workout right now, even though I have to wait until this afternoon, since I am at work !
But I am looking forward to seeing the new workouts made available by Body Project and enjoying the feelings of victory/reward after completing them. And so, from here in Italy. “Grazie” Daniel.
Happy belated birthday and congratulations on turning 50!
Many thanks Lynn, very kind of you.
Thank you, Daniel. I love the presupposition triggered by ‘stay’ in ‘stay magnificent’ 🙂
Thank you, Daniel. This is exactly what I needed today. Your words of inspiration and hope are infectious and I will pay them forward. The obstacle is the way…
Next time I’m tempted by a sugar treat, I’ll hear Daniel saying, “Look at what you can do! Consume the victories and let go of the other stuff. ” Thank you for a great VLOG!